Being petite and short, you understand all too well the struggle of living in a tall person’s world. Purchasing clothes that fit well is difficult. Reaching items on the top shelf at a grocery store is impossible. It’s also not very pleasant trying to see around tall people at concerts and sporting events. In addition to these struggles, finding desks for short people is difficult, too.
How To Buy A Desk For Short People
One would think that since half of the world’s population is petite, office furniture companies would make modifications to their products so they could accommodate people of all heights. Unfortunately, small people have to be vigilant when purchasing furniture.
Here 4 Things To look for In A Desk For Short People:
1. Pay Attention To The Height And Distance
A good chair/desk combination will allow you to have your eyes focus on the top third of the computer’s screen while staring straight ahead. Looking up at a computer screen causes stress on the neck and back and should be avoided.
e.g. If you are 5 feet tall and sitting down, make sure your eyes are 20″- 30″ to the screen. The height of your monitor should be 43” from the floor, and chair height 16” to the floor.
e.g. If you are 5 feet tall and standing up, make sure your eyes are 20″- 30″ to the screen. The height of your monitor should be 57” from the floor and keyboard height 39” from the floor.
Use this Ergonomic Desk Height Calculator for a better calculation on how to adjust your workstation according to your height.
2. Pay Attention To The Position Of The Keyboard

Once you have found the proper height for your screen, relax your arms next to your side. Then, bend your elbows so they are at a 90-degree position. Finally, rest your wrists. This is where you want your keyboard to sit.
3. Assess How You Are Sitting.
People buying desks for short people focus more on the desk itself and less on the chair. Both products need to work together to achieve the perfect work environment for a short person.
When sitting, your knees should be at a 90-degree angle and your feet should rest on a flat surface.
Unfortunately, since shorter people often have to raise their chairs to achieve the proper screen and keyboard position, they often find that their feet are left dangling. This causes a lot of stress on the lower back, which can result in a lot of pain.
4. Consider How Far You Need To Reach.
As you are shopping for your perfect desk/chair combination, consider other ergonomic office products on your desk that you consistently use. If you are regularly reaching for documents or office supplies, think how far you need to reach to get the items. This repetitive motion can be hard on your back.
When purchasing a desk for short people, consider these three tips.
- Purchase a desk and chair at the same time, so you can feel how the two items work together.
- Look for a desk that allows you to adjust the height.
- Consider purchasing a footrest if you have a difficult time finding the correct chair/desk combination.
Working a desk job should not cause you to suffer from back or neck pain. If you are petite, insist on having your company purchase a desk for short people. You shouldn’t be asked to work at a desk that doesn’t properly fit your body.
If you want more information on how to improve your workstation, contact us at [email protected] or call us at 888-456-ERGO.