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Colorful fabric, non slippery and spill resistant
nullColorful fabric, non slippery and spill resistant
ErgoDirect choice. Smooth, stretchable, breathable and durable
ErgoDirect choice. Smooth, stretchable, breathable and durable. Knit fabric is easily frayed. No sharp objects can come in contact with the fabric.
Super soft, patterned, breathable and non slippery
Feels like leather, Polyurethane, antimicrobial. Suitable for Healthcare environment
Leather fabric. Luxury grade
Coarse, semi slippery and stain repellent
Textured, semi smooth and semi slippery
Rough. Itchy, non slippery and very durable
Teflon finish fabric. Water repellent and slippery
Coarse, smooth, stain repellent and slippery fabric
Smooth fabric, semi slippery, soil and stain repellent
Dense, patterned and semi slippery fabric
Nano technology, i-clean, high performance stain and moisture repellent
Vinyl , nonporous, feels like fabric, suitable for healthcare environment
Vinyl, antimicrobial, suitable for healthcare environment
Patterned, smooth and stain repellent- PFOA & PFOS free
Semi coarse, semi slippery, non-breathable and stain repellent. Suitable for Healthcare environment
Vinyl- FR free, advanced soil and stain resistant. Suitable for Healthcare environment